One of the Artists in Residence Again!
August 3, 2019
I am so lucky to be carving out some days to work again at the Ness of Brodgar summer excavation. I am so behind with keeping the information going that I am going to try to relate last year to this year. So… goes. When coming onto the site after it has been cleared of the black plastic and tyres means hoping to find some piece of earth and stone that is interesting to my eye either by the shapes or the colours. I start by walking around the trenches peering in and over with watercolours and pencils in hand. This year, I also have a nice collapsible purple chair to help me pivot my supplies and keep me out of the way of the archaeologists moving in and out of the trenches.
Here is a one of my 12 videos created during this past winter exhibition of the 15 foot “Homage to the Sondage in the Montage with some Debitage on the Side” painting that talks about the preliminary watercolour work.
Here are three of the most recent watercolours painted at the Ness the week of July 31, 2019.